CAM's Drama Team develops students' creativity, technique, and knowledge of the theatre. Performing to honor God, we seek to inspire and entertain. Luke 2:14
The team is directed by Carissa Hershberger and performs once a year. Students typically in fifth grade and above are eligible to audition.
2020-21 The Adventures of Robin Hood by Michele L. Vacca, produced by special arrangement with CLASSICS ON STAGE of Chicago. The drama team began practicing this play during the 2019-20 school year. It was scheduled to be performed in April 2020 but had to be postponed due to COVID-19.
2018-2019 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz adapted by Tim Kelly, produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado
2017-2018 The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe from the story by C.S. Lewis, dramatized by Joseph Robinette, produced by special arrangement with The Dramatic Publishing Company, Woodstock, Illinois